M-51 Pack

This M-51 Sherman variant was initially a French development, later adopted into Israeli service in the early 1960s. These tanks took part in the Six-Day War in 1967 as well as the Yom Kippur War, where they displayed impressive performance against more modern tanks.

The M-51 is the most advanced variant of the Sherman, featuring a devastating 105 mm cannon. Its HEAT round has a maximum penetration of 400mm, allowing you to slice through almost every contemporary tank with ease from effectively any range, making the M-51 a highly potent sniper.

Thanks to the versatility of the Sherman platform combined with a punchy gun, the M-51 serves as a strong universal tank that never falls out of its element, even against very well-armored enemies.

Premium bonuses

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions and come furnished with all available modifications.

Compensation is not provided if you purchase 2 different packs which include the same vehicle or you already have the vehicle from this pack! Available for Linux, Windows and Mac only. You can't activate this item for the PSN or Xbox Live account.

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This pack includes
  • M-51
  • Premium account for 7 days
  • 1000 Golden Eagles
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3.94 with 212 votes
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Average rating
3.94 with 212 votes
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