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Lieutenant Mitchell
Life in the Wasteland has taken its toll on Mitchell. Dozens of years had passed since he replaced his father at the controls of his trusty tank. All this time he has remained faithful to his principle — to never attack first — despite the fact that it’s dangerous to follow it in the Wasteland. Old Mitch found himself on the brink of life and death more than once, and his tank was repaired so often that it no longer looked like its old self neither inside nor outside. One thing remained unchanged — the steel will of the defender of the innocents, returning to action after every wound and always ready to lead as many people away from danger as possible.
Available only for Windows. You can't activate this item for the PSN or Xbox Live account, or the mobile version.
To put the car in the garage, after starting the game, open the blueprint menu, go to the 'Packs' tab, select the desired armoured car and press the 'Assemble' button.