MG 42 early Squad
MG 42 early Squad

The division was formed in August 1939. It took part in invasion of Poland, invasion of Greece and Operation Barbarossa. Since september 1941, the division has been in the spearhead of Operation Typhoon aiming at the capture of Moscow.

The early version of the MG 42 is a German machine gun from the initial production series, distinguished from later versions by a unique bolt cocking handle. The key feature of this machine gun is its high rate of fire at 960 rounds per minute. This significantly increases its firepower and enables effective suppression of the enemy at medium and long ranges.

Premium bonuses

The premium weapons have maximum level and soldiers have rank 4 with all 4 perks unlocked and a bonus retraining point. Premium squads receive + 100% experience gain in battles for soldiers and research progress. These bonuses are cumulative with Premium Account. The soldiers in the squad can be upgraded to rank 5 after purchase.

Compensation is not provided if you purchase 2 different packs which include the same vehicle/squad or you already have the vehicle/squad from this pack! Available for Windows only. You can't activate this item for the PSN or Xbox Live account.

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This pack includes
  • A premium squad, consisting of three gunners and two engineers, armed with MG 42 early machine guns
  • The engineers of this squad are able to build heavy machine gun nests
  • 300 Gold
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4.82 with 71 votes
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Average rating
4.82 with 71 votes
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