Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Yith'Mor. Starter pack
  • The basic configuration of the Ellydium command fighter “Yith’Mor”
  • Ellydium command fighter weapon “Yith’Kin”
  • Active module “Crystal booster”
  • Unique portrait “Nate Gilmore”
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Empire destroyer «Invincible»
  • Rank 8 Empire destroyer “Invincible”
  • Unique destroyer weapon: Meson cannon
  • Special weapons for suppressor destroyers: Multiphase shield, “Tempest” launcher, Blaster turret, Pyro emitter
  • Premium license for 7 days
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Dyrnwyn
  • Imperial rank 17 ECM interceptor Dyrnwyn
  • EM Weapon “Plasma Discharger”
  • Active module “Infobarrier”
  • CPU modifier “Heir Algorithm”
  • Premium license for 30 days
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Gungnir
  • Long-range Empire frigate “Gungnir”
  • Premium license for 30 days
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Typhon
  • Empire rank 17 gunship “Typhon”
  • Active module “Emergency reboot”
  • Weapon “Langmuir launcher”
  • Unique portrait «Kolhis»
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Emperor
  • Empire rank 17 destroyer Emperor
  • Weapon “Omega-B missile launcher”
  • Unique module “Gyges microwave emitter”
  • Portrait “Empire destroyer commander”
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Starter Pack. Dainsleif
  • Empire strike fighter Dainsleif (Rank 3 Empire)
  • Additional bonus of 50% to experience and credits for 50 battles
  • 3,000,000 credits
  • Premium license for 7 days
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Vigilant
  • Empire rank 14 suppression destroyer “Vigilant”
  • Weapon: “Vacuum-resonant laser”
  • Unique portrait “Ryden Harrington”
  • Special weapon Special weapon Thermal energy burner “MZ-42”
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Seeress
  • Empire rank 16 recon interceptor “Seeress”
  • Active module “Spatial faults generator”
  • Weapon “Plasma inductor”
  • Unique portrait «Christoffel Carnot»
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Sai
  • Improved version of the rank 17 recon interceptor “Sai”
  • Active module "Trampoline”
  • Unique portrait «Saurus»
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Wasp
  • Improved version of the Empire rank 13 recon interceptor “Wasp”
  • Special module “Microwarp engine Wasp”
  • Active module “Ghost camo system”
  • Weapon “Draccar nanobot colony”
  • Unique portrait «Jimmy Ryder»
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!
Star Conflict
Star Conflict - Scylla
  • Empire engineering frigate “Scylla”
  • EM weapon “Energoplasmer”
  • Active module “Farstation”
  • CPU modifier “Improved repair algorithms”
  • Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!