Su-25K Pack

The Su-25K is a special export version developed in the 1980s. The "K" stands for Komercheskiy, meaning commercial. It served in many conflicts, such as the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War.

Sporting Czech livery, it’s armed with the classic double-barreled 30 mm cannon with just under 20kg per second burst mass! The Su-25K can carry a staggering amount of ground ordnance, from 100 kg to 500 kg unguided bombs, 23 mm gun pods, 180 unguided HEAT rockets, and napalm bombs. It can also carry some more specialized weaponry, including Kh-25ML and Kh-29L guided missiles, and a total of eight S-25O unguided rockets with 58kg of explosives in the warhead! For air combat, it carries two R-60MK missiles on the outermost pylons. These are specific to the R-60MK, so you won’t compromise any ground weaponry by equipping them. It also comes with a high amount of chaff and flares for countering anti-air missiles.

The Su-25K is robust and specialized for devastating strikes against ground vehicles with a highly customizable weapon loadout, while its air-to-air missiles ensure that it’s no easy target for enemy fighters either.

Premium bonuses

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions and come furnished with all available modifications.

Compensation is not provided if you purchase 2 different packs which include the same vehicle or you already have the vehicle from this pack! Available for Linux, Windows and Mac only. You can't activate this item for the PSN or Xbox Live account.

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This pack includes
  • Su-25K
  • Premium account for 15 days
  • 2000 Golden Eagles
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3.87 with 1744 votes
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Average rating
3.87 with 1744 votes
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